Voting by Proxy

There are different types of proxy vote you can apply for.

You can apply to appoint a proxy for a one off election for any reason.

To appoint for an indefinite or definite period, these must be for one of the following reasons

  • If you have a disability
  • If you are away on an Educational Course
  • If you are away for Work
  • If you are registered as an overseas voter (applicable only to UK Elections and registered as an overseas elector)
  • If you work overseas for the British Council or as a Crown Servant (applicable only to those registered as a British Council Employee or Crown Servant)
  • If you are serving overseas in the Armed Forces (applicable only to those registered by way of employed by the Armed Forces and posted overseas)
  • If you are registered anonymously (applicable only where you are registered anonymously)
  • If you are a prisoner convicted to a term of 12 months or less (applicable only to Scottish Elections)
  • You should only appoint someone you trust to cast your vote to be your proxy.

    Proxies must be

    • Your proxy must be over 16 for Scottish Elections and 18 for UK Parliament
    • Registered to vote
    • Able to get to your polling station on polling day (they can apply for a postal proxy)
    • Eligible to vote in the election

    Your proxy doesn’t have to be related to you.

    At UK parliamentary elections, someone can only be a proxy for two people based in the UK. If they are acting as proxy for people living overseas, you can act as proxy for up to four people but only two of these can be based in the UK.

    At Scottish Parliament and council elections, someone can only be a proxy for their close relatives, plus two other people.

  • At UK parliamentary elections, someone can only be a proxy for two people based in the UK. If they are acting as proxy for people living overseas, you can act as proxy for up to four people but only two of these can be based in the UK.

    At Scottish Parliament and council elections, someone can only be a proxy for their close relatives, plus two other people.

  • For some types of proxy vote applications, you will require to get the application attested.

    These are

    • Employment
    • Disability
    • Education

    Full details of who can attest or support your application is included on the form.


  • For a proxy vote to be granted for an upcoming election, applications must be received by the Electoral Registration Officer no later than 5pm on 6 working days before the Election.

    Where an election is upcoming in your area, there will be publicity of the specific deadline for that event widely circulated.

  • A close relative are one of the following to the applicant.

    • Spouse
    • Civil Partner
    • Parent
    • Grandparent
    • Sibling
    • Child
    • Grandchild


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