1 APRIL 2019 TO 31 MARCH 2020



Notice is hereby given, under section 195 (public notices) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 Regulation 9, that:


  • Copies of the unaudited accounts of DUNBARTONSHIRE AND ARGYLL & BUTE VALUATION JOINT BOARD for the period from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020,

will be available for public inspection on the Valuation Joint Board’s website https://www.saa.gov.uk/dab-vjb/ and West Dunbartonshire Council’s website https://www.west-dunbarton.gov.uk/ from 1 July 2020.;


  • Any person interested may inspect a copy of the abstract of the accounts to be audited, all books deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers and receipts related thereto, and may take copies of any or all parts of the accounts. Currently there is limited access to the Valuation Joint Board offices, therefore any information that is required may be requested by email to [email protected]. Where the information is not available electronically, the requester will be notified of this by the Valuation Joint Board advising of future arrangements for the requester to gain access to the information when there is no longer a significant risk of the transmission of coronavirus. This change in process has been made in response to the coronavirus pandemic using powers contained in the Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020;


  • Any interested person may object to the Accounts or part of those accounts , no later than 22 July 2020 by:


  • Sending their objections by email, together with a statement of the grounds thereof to the auditor, Richard Smith, Senior Audit Manager, Audit Scotland, [email protected]; and
  • Sending their objections in writing, together with a statement of the grounds thereof to The Controller of Audit, Audit Scotland, 4th Floor, 102 West Port, Edinburgh EH3 9DN; and
  • Sending a copy of that objection and statement to me, the undersigned, and to any officer of the authority who may be concerned.


  • The auditor shall, if requested by the person objecting, the authority, or by any officer of the authority who may be concerned, afford to that person or authority or officer, as the case may be, an opportunity of appearing before and being heard by the auditor with respect to that objection; and any such person or officer may so appear and be heard either personally or by a representative.




Stephen West CPFA


Dunbartonshire and Argyll and Bute

Valuation Joint Board

16 Church Street


G82 1QL

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