Service Vision and Mission

Who we are

Dunbartonshire and Argyll & Bute Valuation Joint Board is an independent local government body which was established by The Valuation Joint Boards (Scotland) Order 1995.

What we do

We professionally compile and maintain the Valuation Rolls, Council Tax Valuation Lists and Registers of Electors for the Argyll & Bute, East Dunbartonshire and West Dunbartonshire council areas.

Our Aims

Building on our established professionalism, we aim to provide high quality, transparent and effective services to all of our stakeholders


Within the constraints of the continuing tight public finance regime, we are committed to:

  • Consulting our stakeholders, and listening and responding to their views;
  • Valuing staff and providing them with opportunities to develop and contribute;
  • Reacting innovatively to change;
  • Encouraging innovation and recognising achievement within the organisation;
  • Treating all stakeholders, including staff, in a fair and consistent manner;
  • Striving for continuous improvement in all aspects of service delivery;
  • Ensuring that we are accountable to stakeholders;
  • Pro-actively planning workloads and deploying resources efficiently;
  • Using language which is easy to understand;
  • Working with our partners in the Scottish Assessors’ Association to ensure transparency and Scotland-wide consistency of approach to service delivery;
  • Using and caring for the data we hold in an appropriate way.
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