Overseas Electors & Homeless People

Overseas Electors

British citizens resident abroad can register to vote by means of an Overseas Elector’s Declaration, provided that on the date the Declaration is made:

  • they are not subject to any legal incapacity to vote
  • they were once registered to vote in the UK and less than 15 years have elapsed since the Register they were on was in force or
  • a parent or guardian was so registered, if the applicant was too young to register to vote at the time.

The Declaration lasts for 12 months and then lapses if not renewed by the elector. The ERO is obliged to send a reminder and a new application form to the elector between 9 and 10 months from the date on which the entry on the Register took effect. An overseas elector can vote by post or proxy.

Homeless People

A person who has no fixed address can register to vote by means of a Declaration of Local Connection. The Declaration lasts for 12 months and then lapses if not renewed by the elector. The ERO is obliged to send a reminder and a new application form to the elector between 9 and 10 months from the date on which the entry on the Register took effect.

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