Council Tax
Council Tax replaced the Community Charge (Poll Tax) on 1 April 1993 as the way households contribute to the cost of local authority services.
The amount of the tax is set by local councils and charged according to valuation bands.
Statistics for the three local councils, showing the number of properties in each valuation band can be accessed by clicking on the link to the Grampian Website in the Menu opposite, analysed by GVJB Division or by Local Authority Area.
Valuation of Domestic Property
The Assessor is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of the Council Tax Valuation List, which places each domestic property (“dwelling”) in one of eight valuation bands. The band reflects the Assessor’s opinion of the property’s open market value as at 1 April 1991, but taking account of its physical state and its locality as at 1 April 1993 (or, for new dwellings, the date of valuation) and subject to a number of important statutory assumptions.
Further information on Council Tax is available from the SAA Home Page.
To contact your local council Finance Department use the links below