Electoral Register Check
Checking the Register
If you are unable to find your name in the Register of Electors, or if you are unable to check the Register personally, contact the ERO for assistance. For privacy reasons, Registration staff are normally unable to disclose Register information over the telephone, but will be happy to write to you to confirm your details if you wish.
Contact Details
City of Aberdeen
(Aberdeen North and Aberdeen South Constituencies)
ERO, Woodhill House, Westburn Road,
Aberdeen AB16 5GE – 01224 068400
(Gordon and West Aberdeenshire &
Kincardine Constituencies)
ERO, Woodhill House, Westburn Road,
Aberdeen AB16 5GE – 01224 068400
(Banff & Buchan Constituency)
ERO, Mitchell Burnett House, Colleonard Road, Banff,
Aberdeenshire, AB45 1DZ – 01224 068400
(Moray Constituency)
ERO, 234 High Street, Elgin, Moray,
IV30 1BA – 01224 068400