Online Forms

By using the menu links in the “Online Forms” menu on the left you can choose to lodge a Non Domestic (Rates) Valuation Appeal, a Council Tax Proposal Form, or complete an on-line version of a Rental Return Information Form sent to you by the Grampian Assessor.

Non Domestic Rates Proposals

If you wish to lodge a Proposal against the rateable value of your property there are time limits and rules to follow which you can read about by using the Non Domestic Appeal Link.

Council Tax Banding  Proposals

If you do not agree with the Band allocated to your house you can lodge a proposal provided certain criteria are met. You can find out more by using the Council Tax Proposal Link.

Assessor Information Notice – Rents

If you have received an Assessor Information Notice regarding a Return of Rental Information  you can use this service to make a return on-line. You can also use this service to send an electronic copy of the lease or missives etc to the Assessor. To read more click on the Rent Form Link.

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