More About Appeals

Independent Valuation Appeal Committees meet regularly to deal with appeals to ensure that all are dealt with in accordance with the statutory timetable. However experience of previous appeals suggests that very few of the appeals lodged will actually be heard by Committees. The vast majority of cases will be resolved in discussion between ratepayers or their agents and Assessors.

Valuation Appeal Committees are required to issue a citation to hearing in relation to each appeal and will give a minimum of 105 days notice of the place and time of the hearing. Parties to the hearing (the ratepayer/agent and Assessor) are required to provide certain information to one another and the citation and accompanying notes will give guidance on this part of the appeal process. If you are in any doubt about the procedure the Assessor will be pleased to assist.

If you are considering seeking independent advice about a valuation appeal you should note that rating consultancy is a specialist service provided by some members of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and the Institute of Revenues, Rating & Valuation (IRRV). Membership of the Rating Surveyors Association (RSA) is restricted to members of the RICS with a minimum of 5 years experience. These bodies have agreed a Rating Consultancy Code of Practice which sets down the standards which a member should follow in relation to handling a non-domestic valuation appeal.

If you would like further advice on professionally recognised rating advisers you can call the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Contact Centre on +44 (0)24 7686 8555 or they can be contacted by email at [email protected]. More information is also available on their website at

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