Rented Property Lists

Scottish Assessors are committed to providing more transparency and consistency to the work they do.

The Non-Domestic Rates (Valuation Notices) (Scotland) Regulations 2022 require that Assessors provide the addresses of rented properties which were taken into account in determining the basic valuation rate for subjects that are:-

  • valued by comparison with other rented properties, and
  • sit within the categories of property listed below:-
Banks Department stores Health centres Shootings
Building societies Depot warehouses Indoor bowling stadiums Shops
Car showrooms Distribution warehouses Large shops Sports clubhouses
Casinos Factories Offices Stores
Clinics Factory outlet centres Pavilions Supermarkets
Computer centres Fitness centres Primary care centres Ten pin bowling alleys
Day nurseries Golf courses Private health clubs Warehouses
Deer forests Golf driving ranges Retail warehouses Workshops


To find out if a Rented Property List is available for the property you are interested in take the following steps.

  1. From the SA Portal Home Page, or from the individual Assessor’s Home Page, use the ‘Search for a Rateable Value’ facility to find a particular property.
  2. Proceed to click on the ‘Ref No.’ hyperlink or the ‘View More’ button for the property you are interested in.
  3. A row of tabs is located at the top and by default you will be shown the ‘Current Value’ details.
  4. If a rented property list is available for the property, a ‘View Rented Property List’ button will be displayed below the Rateable Value. If this is displayed, click on the button to view the rented property list.

If a ‘View Rented Property List’ button is not displayed, then a rented property list is not available online for that property, probably because the valuation is not based on a rate/m2 basis and/or is not derived from analysis of rents of comparable properties. It may, for instance, be valued with reference to the trade of the property or the costs of constructing an equivalent property.

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