Return of Information Form
This form should not be confused with the Assessor Information Notice requesting rental information that is also issued by the Assessor.
The Assessor’s duty is to maintain the information in the Valuation Roll in as up to date a manner as is possible. In order to do this they will send out, in most years, a Return of Information Form. This details the information currently shown in the Valuation Roll and seeks to obtain information on any changes, such as the names of new owners, tenants and occupiers. It also invites information about physical changes to the property or the amount of any rent paid. This is not so extensive an enquiry as an Assessor Information Notice asking you to provide rental information and indeed may prompt the Assessor to issue a request for full rental information dealing specifically with the arrangements agreed between the parties to the lease.
If you have received a Return of Information Form you can use this service to make a return on-line to:
1) Specify any changes relating to:
a) the proprietor (owner), tenant or occupier,
b) physical or other changes to the property,
c) the rent of the property. (This may result in the Assessor issuing a separate Rental Information questionnaire.)
2) Confirm that there is ”No Change” to the information.
Should you wish to provide your full rent details you can do so by using our online rent form.