Assessor Information Notice – Shooting Rights

If you have received an Assessor Information Notice asking you to provide Shooting Rights information please click on the button below.

You will be asked to submit specific information about the shooting rights over a land holding and any lease between the proprietor (owner or landlord) and the tenant (occupier) or between a tenant and sub-tenant etc. The information you submit will help the local assessor to determine the rateable value of the shooting rights for Non-Domestic rates.

It is important that you complete the return to ensure the valuation of your shooting rights is accurate.

Clicking on the link below will take you to the Shooting Rights screen.

Assessors Ref.” is the Valuation Roll Property Reference Number which appears in the middle of the front page of the Assessor Information Notice issued by the Assessor.

“Access Code” is the code provided in the middle of the front page of the Assessor Information Notice issued by the Assessor.

There is a help facility on each page and “pop-up” information if areas are not completed appropriately.

You can also upload a copy of the relevant electronic information (lease, maps, crop damage reports etc.) in a variety of formats.

At the end of the process you can choose to print off a PDF copy of the form you have completed.

Provide your information here

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