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Number of Pages Found: 18. Results are ranked in order of relevance.

  • How to make a Non-Domestic proposal

    and here you will see a button to “Make a Proposal”. Click that button to begin the process of completing your online proposal to alter your value. As well as…

  • Undergoing Maintenance

    The Scottish Assessors Portal is currently undergoing site maintenance and online forms will not be available until further notice. We apologise for the inconvenience….

  • Online Council Tax Proposals
  • Online Valuation Roll Appeals
  • Welcome to the Scottish Assessors’ Portal

    The SA Portal provides online access to the Valuation Rolls (Rateable Values) and Valuation Lists (Council Tax Bands) for all eligible properties in Scotland. Information on Electoral Registration is also…

  • The Assessor

    Since the enactment of the Lands Valuation (Scotland) Act 1854, Assessors have been responsible for the valuation of all heritable properties for local taxation purposes within their respective valuation areas….

  • Rented Property Lists

    because the valuation is not based on a rate/m2 basis and/or is not derived from analysis of rents of comparable properties. It may, for instance, be valued with reference to…

  • Disclaimer and Copyright

    cost effective online service. The information on this website is a guide only. All Local Assessors are members of the Scottish Assessors Association and have used all reasonable endeavours to…