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Number of Pages Found: 36. Results are ranked in order of relevance.

  • About the SAA

    …and their senior staff are members of the Association. One of the principal functions of the Association is to facilitate a consistency of approach in the administration of the valuation,…

  • The Valuation Roll

    …Roll includes the names of the proprietor, tenant and occupier as appropriate, the Net Annual Value which has been set by the Assessor and the Rateable Value. The Rateable Value…

  • Assessor Information Notice – Shooting Rights

    …of your shooting rights is accurate. Clicking on the link below will take you to the Shooting Rights screen. “Assessors Ref.” is the Valuation Roll Property Reference Number which appears…

  • 2017 Practice Notes

    Although each one of the Assessors is an independent statutory official, they work through the Scottish Assessors’ Association (SAA) to ensure, amongst other things, consistency of approach and practice in…

  • Disclaimer and Copyright

    appropriate Local Assessor. Scottish Assessors Association members give no representations, assurances, undertakings or warranties about the accuracy, correctness or fitness for purpose regarding the site or any web site referred…

  • 2023 Practice Notes

    Although each one of the Assessors is an independent statutory official, they work through the Scottish Assessors’ Association (SAA) to ensure, amongst other things, consistency of approach and practice in…

  • Council Tax

    …values at 1 April 1991. There are a number of statutory assumptions that the Assessor must also apply when determining the band. The Assessor can also alter a band for…

  • Valuation Basis and Statutory Requirements

    …provisions applicable to the Council Tax banding of properties used in connection with the following: Agriculture Crofting Fish farming and Properties adapted for people with physical disabilities. You should contact…

  • Qualifying to vote

    …the status of their citizens, who can continue to register to vote in elections for local government, the European Parliament, the Westminster Parliament and the Scottish Parliament, as appropriate, in…

  • Help

    …Local Assessor This part of the web site allows you to find information about your local Assessor You can select your Assessor by clicking on the appropriate part of the…