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Number of Pages Found: 69. Results are ranked in order of relevance.

  • Revaluation Notice

    Why have I received a Valuation Notice? All non-domestic properties were revalued on 1 April 2023. This means that Assessors set a Net Annual and Rateable Value for all non-domestic…

  • Draft Valuation Notices

    all non-domestic properties in Scotland based on rental levels as at 1 April 2022. The Draft Valuation Notice that you have received shows the Net Annual and Rateable Value (NAV…

  • SAA Annual Report

    The SAA Annual Reports can be downloaded using the links below SAA Annual Report 2022/23 SAA Annual Report 2021/22 SAA Annual Report 2020/21 SAA Annual Report 2019/20 SAA Annual Report…

  • The Valuation Roll

    is derived from the Net Annual value and as legislation currently stands, for the majority of properties, Rateable Value and Net Annual Value are the same. You can check the…

  • Return of Information Form

    the Assessor Information Notice requesting rental information that is also issued by the Assessor. The Return of Information Form is usually issued annually and seeks confirmation of ownership etc details…

  • Self-catering legislation change

    Non-Domestic rates instead of Council Tax, a self-catering property will be required to provide evidence of 70 days of actual letting as well as 140 days of intention to let…

  • Web Accessibility

    Assessors are committed to making the Portal website as accessible as possible to all visitors. The site is continually reviewed and pages modified to remove accessibility problems and to make…

  • Rented Property Lists

    property listed below:- Banks Department stores Health centres Shootings Building societies Depot warehouses Indoor bowling stadiums Shops Car showrooms Distribution warehouses Large shops Sports clubhouses Casinos Factories Offices Stores Clinics…

  • Self-Catering

    lettings for the current financial year, or You have received a request to provide an annual declaration and evidence of lettings for the last financial year. Record your Self-Catering Submission…

  • Rates Payments

    find out more please click here. There are also a number of other reliefs, such as empty property relief; rural rate relief; charitable rate relief; disabled persons rate relief; and…